Moup says excitedly, "Yes! I simply need the green gem found somewhere in da marsh. And, um, a gem of fire found somewhere's north in some caves or other. And that there blue crystal somewhere in the dwarf mines. Me pappy told me bout em. Bring me those and I be set! When ya get dem and return, just ask me about needs." Moup asks, "Did ya bring the gems?" Moup smiles and takes the fire gem. Moup smiles and takes the green gem. Moup smiles and takes the crystal. You give the three items to Toup and he happily dances for a moment, then he pulls out some leather armour and throws it at you shouting, "I won't be needin' this where I'm a goin'!" He pats you on the back and dashes out into the bog street. Back Room There is one obvious exit: west. Marsh leather. You get a Marsh leather from the Back Room. You cheer enthusiastically! Dark green from using curitives of the marsh lands, this short sleeved, full torso leather has been imbued with a strange green glow that has special mystic properties.